Tuesday, September 12, 2017

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 2017


Date Completed
Section: 1 - Introduction To The Course

1. Introduction & Overview 2017 5-Sep-2017
2. Getting Started - What You'll Need! 5-Sep-2017
3. The Exam Blue Print 5-Sep-2017

Section: 2 AWS - 10,000 Feet Overview

4. The History Of AWS So Far 6-Sep-2017
5. AWS - 10,000 Foot Overview Part 1 6-Sep-2017
6. AWS - 10,000 Foot Overview Part 2 6-Sep-2017
7. AWS - 10,000 Foot Overview Part 3 6-Sep-2017
8. AWS - 10,000 Foot Overview Part 4 6-Sep-2017

Section: 3 - Identity Access Management (IAM)

9. IAM 101 7-Sep-2017
10. IAM - Lab 7-Sep-2017
11. Create A Billing Alarm - Lab 7-Sep-2017
12. IAM Summary 7-Sep-2017

Section: 4 - AWS Object Storage and CDN - S3, Glacier and CloudFront

13. S3 - 101 11-Sep-2017
14. Create an S3 Bucket - Lab 11-Sep-2017
15. Version Control - Lab 11-Sep-2017
16. Cross Region Replication 11-Sep-2017
17. Lifecycle Management & Glacier - Lab 11-Sep-2017
18. CloudFront CDN Overview 11-Sep-2017
19. Create a CloudFront CDN - Lab 12-Sep-2017
20. S3 - Security & Encryption 12-Sep-2017
21. Storage Gateway 12-Sep-2017
22. Snowball 12-Sep-2017
23. Snowball - Lab 12-Sep-2017
24. S3 Transfer Acceleration 12-Sep-2017
25. Create A Static Website Using S3 12-Sep-2017
26. S3 Summary 12-Sep-2017

Section: 5 - EC2 - The Backbone of AWS

27. EC2 101 - Part 1 19:39 12-Sep-2017
28. EC2 101 - Part 2 13:39 12-Sep-2017
29. Let's Get Our Hands Dirty! Launch An EC2 Instance - Part 1 20:23 13-Sep-2017
30. Let's Get Our Hands Dirty! Launch An EC2 Instance - Part 2 11:43 13-Sep-2017
31. How To Use Putty (Windows Users Only) 6:31 13-Sep-2017
32. Security Groups Basics 16:07 13-Sep-2017
33. Upgrading EBS Volume Types - Lab - Part 1 14:15
34. Upgrading EBS Volume Types - Lab - Part 2 6:36
35. Creating a Windows EC2 Instance & RAID Group 15:19
36. Create An AMI - Lab 8:22
37. AMI's - EBS Root Volumes vs Instance Store 7:45
38. Load Balancers & Health Checks 19:53
39. Cloud Watch EC2 14:20
40. The AWS Command Line & EC2 11:33
41. Using IAM roles with EC2 9:11
42. S3 CLI & Regions 9:27
43. Using Bootstrap Scripts 14:37
44. EC2 Instance Metadata 4:37
45. Autoscaling 101 - Lab 17:06
46. EC2 Placement Groups - An Exam Must Know! 3:15
47. EFS - Concepts & Lab 15:04
48. Lambda - Concepts 18:29
49. Build A Serverless Webpage 15:24
50. Using Polly To Help You Pass Your Exam - A Serverless Approach - Part 1 19:55
51. Using Polly To Help You Pass Your Exam - A Serverless Approach - Part 2 6:21
52. Build An Alexa Skill 17:10
53. EC2 Summary 18:39

Section: 6 - Route53

54. DNS 101 17:01
55. Route 53 - Register A Domain Name - Lab 4:37
56. Setup Our EC2 Instances - Lab 10:28
57. Simple Routing Policy - Lab 5:55
58. Weighted Routing Policy - Lab 6:02
59. Latency Routing Policy - Lab 4:52
60. Failover Routing Policy - Lab 9:31
61. Geolocation Routing Policy - Lab 4:24
62. DNS Exam Tips 3:41

Section: 7 - Databases on AWS

63. Databases 101 13:30
64. Launching an RDS Instance - Lab 13:26
65. RDS - Backups, Multi-AZ & Read Replicas 17:47
66. DynamoDB 12:26
67. RedShift 8:38
68. Elasticache 3:46
69. Aurora 14:27
70. Databases Summary 6:45

Section: 8 - VPC

71. Introduction & Overview 16:10
72. Build Your Own Custom VPC - Part 1 19:53
73. Build Your Own Custom VPC - Part 2 8:45
74. Network Address Translation (NAT) 18:24
75. Network Access Control Lists vs Security Groups 17:18
76. Custom VPC's and ELBs 2:30
77. NATs vs Bastions 3:57
78. VPC Flow Logs 4:35
79. VPC Clean Up 5:11
80. Summary 3:54

Section: 9 - Application Services

81. SQS 12:45
82. SWF 6:42
83. SNS 8:13
84. Elastic Transcoder 2:01
85. API Gateway 6:34
86. Kinesis 101 9:25
87. Kinesis - Lab 5:54
88. Application Services Summary 10:02

Section: 10 - The Real World - Creating a fault tolerant Word Press Site

89. Getting Setup 12:52
90. Setting Up EC2 19:42
91. Adding Resilience And Cloud Front 20:01
92. Setting Up Our AMI's 22:31
93. Configuring Autoscaling & Load Testing 16:33
94. CloudFormation! 10:51
95. Want To Be A Real Solutions Architect? You Need To Know CloudFormation! 1:58

Section: 11 - Preparing for the Exam - White Paper Reviews

96. Overview of Amazon Web Services 5:56
97. Overview of Security Processes - Part 1 13:44
98. Overview of Security Processes - Part 2 7:33
99. AWS Risk & Compliance 5:20
100. Storage Options In The Cloud 7:36
101. Architecting For The AWS Cloud: Best Practices 11:51
102. Exam Practicalities 2:36

Section: 12 - The Well Architected Framework

103. Introduction To The Well Architected Framework 6:21
104. Pillar One - Security 18:14
105. Pillar Two - Reliability 10:50
106. Pillar Three - Performance Efficiency 18:38
107. Pillar Four - Cost Optimization 14:35
108. Pillar Five - Operational Excellence 14:01
109. Summary of The Well Architected Framework 8:55

Section: 13- Additional Exam Tips

110. Exam Tips - Based On Student Feedback 10:50
111. Consolidated Billing 7:53
112. AWS Organizations Lab 6:13
113. Cross Account Access 14:19
114. Resource Groups & Tagging 7:54
115. VPC Peering 4:23
116. Direct Connect 5:01
117. Security Token Service 9:07
118. Active Directory Integration 3:15
119. Workspaces 3:07
120. ECS - Part 1 - What Is Docker? 12:21
121. ECS - Part 2 - What Is ECS? 11:37

Monday, July 13, 2015

Table of Contents

Java Stored Procedures and SQLJUTL2.INVOKE

sqlplus and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on Mac OS/X

Python: Old Dog Learns New Trick

Hello World with Oracle PL/SQL

useradd with "-d localhost:...".

Cloudera Hive client on Solaris

I am unfriending hive-env.sh

"ipadm show-addr" with name resolution on Solaris 11

SPARC T5-4 RAC and WebLogic Cluster

DNS Bind Server configuration on Solaris 11.2

Oracle SQL Connector for HDFS on SPARC

Big Data Lite with a static IP address on Oracle Linux 6 / EL6

(OATS) Oracle Application Testing Suite Report

JAVA_HOME on Solaris 11

Enterprise Manager agentTZRegion

Onion Security

netperf on Solaris 11

emca and ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed

Installing VNC server on Solaris 11

Quadratic Programming with Oracle R Enterprise

SPARC T5-4 LDoms for RAC and WebLogic Clusters

VNC Cut & Paste on Solaris 10

Using R to analyze Java G1 garbage collector log files

What compiler options were used to create an executable?

Quadratic data in Oracle R Enterprise and Oracle Data Mining

Finding datasets for South African Heart Disease

R attributes and regexpr

Redo Log Switches

Gathering Database Statistics in a Test Harness

Hadoop on an Oracle SPARC T4-2 Server

Error in invoking target 'all_no_orcl' of makefile

Hive 0.11 (May, 15 2013) and Rank() within a category

Ganglia on Solaris 11.1

Adding users in Solaris 11 with power like the initial account

Debugging Hadoop using Solaris Studio in a Solaris 11 Zone

non-interactive zone configuration

Hadoop Java Error logs

Solaris 11 VNC Server is "blurry" or "smeared"

ZFS for Database Log Files

ndd on Solaris 10

Java EE Application Servers, SPARC T4, Solaris Containers, and Resource Pools

What is bondib1 used for on SPARC SuperCluster with InfiniBand, Solaris 11 networking & Oracle RAC?

Watch out for a trailing slash on $ORACLE_HOME

User "oracle" unable to start or stop listeners

NFS root access for Oracle RAC on Sun ZFS Storage 7x20 Appliance

Flash Archive with MPXIO

Solaris installation on a SPARC T3 from a remote CDROM ISO

11gR2 Grid Infrastructure Patch Set for Solaris x86-64

Run level verification check failed when installing Grid Upgrade (p10098816)

Useful GNU grep option

Adding a hard drive for /export/home under ZFS

Java Monitoring and Tuning Example

Installing the Solaris 10 OS Companion CD

Solaris installation on a SPARC T3 from a remote CDROM ISO

OpenOffice Calc cut&paste to Thunderbird

NFS Tuning for HPC Streaming Applications

Graphing Solaris Performance Stats with gnuplot

Solaris/x64 VNC with Cut & Paste

Solaris Containers & 32-bit Java Heap allocation

Algorithmics Financial Risk Management Software on the Sun Fire X4270

Jumpstart: ERROR: could not load the media (/cdrom)

Fino's Additions for wt.properties

Configuring jumbo frames on the V490’s ce and the T2000's e1000g

FAQ for Windchill on Solaris

JVM Tuning for Windchill

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Coursera and edX Certificates

BerkeleyX: CS100.1x: Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark. June 2015.

Introduction to Genomic Technologies (Johns Hopkins University), Coursera, June 2015

Machine Learning (Dr. Andrew Ng, Stanford University), Coursera, January 2014.

Computing for Data Analysis (Dr. Roger Peng, Johns Hopkins University), Coursera, February 2014.

Statistical Learning (Dr. Trevor Hastie and Dr. Rob Tibshirani, Stanford University), Stanford Online, April 2014.

Data Analysis and Statistical Inference (Duke University, Dr. Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel), Coursera, April 2014.

MITx 6.00.2x: Intro to Computational Thinking and Data Science (with Python), edX, May 2015

MITx 6.00.1x: Intro to Computer Science and Programming Using Python, edX, March 2015